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Tag: Renters Insurance

Millennials and Home Insurance

Millennials and Home Insurance

More millennials are buying homes these days, as opposed to renting. By the end of 2018, this generation represented 45% of all new home mortgages, as stated in a Housing Wire article. One thing is certain, whether renting or purchasing a condo or a house, millennials need home insurance to protect them against damage to or loss of their property and against liability. Renters Insurance Your...

The Five Types of Insurance Every College Student Needs

The Five Types of Insurance Every College Student Needs

Parents face many challenges in preparing a child for college. The process generally starts in the junior year, including monitoring grades, applying for scholarships and grants, and visiting various college campuses. The focus on college can become an all-consuming task. Once a college is chosen, and your child is accepted, a new set of challenges arises.  One neglected area to add to the college "to-do"...